Meet the team: Alison Powell

Alison Powell

Name: Alison Powell

Job title: Office Manager and PA to CEO

When did you join Rainier: October 2023

What did you do before joining:

HR & PA to CEO and MD in property education, investment and development since 2004.

What does your role entail:

Ensuring the Office runs smoothly!

If you hadn’t been involved in property, what career would you have followed:

Millinery or Textile Industry

What three words describe you best:

Organised, friendly and trustworthy

What is your worst habit:

Being early!

What is your favourite gadget:

Portable Bobbin Winder

What do you do outside work:

Apart from the usual going to the gym I can get lost for hours messing around with fabric on a sewing machine and sauntering around Vintage/Antique Markets and Shops

What is the last film you saw at the cinema:

Not a massive Cinema Goer, but my last film was Elvis

What is your favourite book:

The Island, Victoria Hislop or Bridget Jones’s Diary, Helen Fielding

What is at the top of your playlist:

There are so many to choose from! My most played are: Last Chance on the Stairway, Duran Duran; I Am the Resurrection, Stone Roses; Mardy Bum, Arctic Monkeys; and Do I Love You, Frank Wilson.

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